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– It is also very important to include aerobic exercises in the formation of relief in training, since they affect subcutaneous fat burning much more effectively, instead of working with iron. The training program should include running, swimming and being fit twice a week, the rest of the time spent working with iron.
– The maximum result can be obtained if, in the approach repetition mode, the break is made for no more than one minute. During this period, the body is actively working, the blood circulation through the tissues and vessels, which contributes to better conduction of subcutaneous fat. Over time, rest should be exactly the same time it takes for a person to catch their breath.
– do abdominal exercises continuously. Approaches to the press should be carried out at least five times, before and after training.
– how long it takes to achieve the desired result. Everything is purely individual, affecting both the type of body, the speed of the body, the metabolism and the amount of excess subcutaneous fat in the body. And it is important to follow the strictest diet during relief training. Basically, the drying program is designed for a period of 4-8 weeks, all individually again. In this article, we will consider a period of 4 weeks, as this is the period that an average athlete needs to remove subcutaneous fat and form relief.
The first stage of working on relief (drying) in bodybuilding is to start a training journal, if this does not already exist. Write your personal data on it:
– main weight in kilograms;
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– muscle volume in a tense and relaxed way;
– the thickness of the fatty tissue in the stomach to the right of the navel is five centimeters, or the percentage of fat;
– determination of weight in dead weight, bench press, lying down, performing eight repetitions.
Training program for subcutaneous fat removal (drying) in relief training
As mentioned above, we will consider a field training program for a period of 4 weeks.
The program includes a repeated mode of training in the field, as well as the implementation of a heavy approach with the maximum weight for the athlete. Using this algorithm, subcutaneous fat will "melt" even during sleep and rest.
The program will also include basic exercises that allow you to use more muscles, increasing your chances of achieving the desired result. During each training session, all muscle groups will be involved.
1st day of training to dry
1. On a horizontal bench, while lying on your back, perform a bench press in four sets, 15-20 reps, as well as an 8-rep approach with the highest weight maximized for you.
2. Pushing on the block towards the chest also performs four approaches, 20 reps, as well as one approach for 8 reps with the maximum amount of weight.
3. Biceps, standing with a barbell. Without changing the number of four sets of 15-20 repetitions, as well as a series of 8 repetitions with the highest maximum weight load.
4. Dead weight. There are also four 15-20 rep approaches as well as an 8 rep approach at maximum magnification.
5. In the prone position, design the weights. Four 15-20 rep approaches as well as an 8 rep approach with maximum weight.
6. The pull of weights to the belt, in turn. Do four sets of 15-20 reps as well as one set of 8 reps with the maximum weight for you.
7. In the sitting simulator, flex and extend the legs. The same approaches are four 15-20 reps as well as one approach for 8 reps at maximum weight.
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2nd day of training
1. We include aerobic exercise in training.
2. Two options: swim or run for at least 40 minutes.
3rd day of training
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1. The head pulls the block. Four for sale Testosterone Enanthate in Spain series of 15-20 repetitions each, and a series of 8 repetitions with the highest weight.
2. Exercise in the "butterfly" simulator raising hands with the number of four sets of 15-20 repetitions, as well as a series of 8 repetitions with the maximum weight.
3. Lift bicep weights in turn. The same four 15-20 rep approaches as well as an 8 rep approach with maximum maximum weight.
4. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders. Perform four sets of 15-20 reps as well as one set of 8 reps with the maximum weight.
5. Push-ups on the bars also have four sets of 15-20 reps, as well as a set of 8 reps with the maximum weight.
6. Exercise on an incline bench, barbell bench press. 4 sets of 15-20 reps, as well as a set of 8 reps with the maximum weight.
7. Lift weights on your head. Perform four sets of 15-20 reps as well as one set of 8 reps with the maximum weight.
4th day of training
1. We include aerobic exercise for at least 40 minutes.
2. One of the most pleasant moments is a visit to the sauna.
5th day of training
On the fifth day, the body needs to take a break, it is during this period that it is worth taking a day off from training.
6th day of training
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1. Exercise on an incline bench, bench press with dumbbells. Four 15-20 rep approaches as well as an 8 rep approach with maximum weight.
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2. In the inclination of the bar to the belt. Four 15-20 rep approaches as well as an 8 rep approach with maximum weight.
3. Pull-ups with a wide grip. The same number of approaches in four of 15-20 reps, as well as one approach for 8 reps with the maximum maximum weight.
4. Standing with a reverse grip, lifting the biceps bar also has four sets of 15-20 reps, as well as a set of 8 reps with the maximum weight.
5. Stand up, lifting weights to one side. Perform four sets of 15-20 reps as well as one set of 8 reps with the maximum weight.
6. Dead weight. There are also four 15-20 rep approaches as well as an 8 rep approach with maximum weight.
7. Lying on an incline bench with a tight grip, perform a bench press masteron Bars on focus four times, 15-20 reps, as well as a focus for 8 reps with the highest maximum weight load.
7th day of training
1. Deserved rest.
So we examined the training program for relief training, the so-called drying to burn subcutaneous fat. These workouts are quite difficult to perform as they require not only frantic physical exertion, but also a strict diet. But the result is worth it, you, by strengthening and tuning your body, forces you to eat internal resources, allowing you to get as close as possible to the desired result. Many athletes cannot bear the load during training and go half the distance. Good luck to you
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How much rest between sets? The | Your bodybuilding
A break between sets plays an important role in training. Each approach should be done with maximum intensity, and before doing the next How much rest between sets? The | Your bodybuilding
A rest between sets plays an important role in training. Each approach must be carried out with maximum intensity, and before the next one must fully restore its strength.
When you complete a "fail" set, all the ATP reserves are consumed and you feel tired and helpless. And during the break, between sets, ATP reserves are completely replenished, and you have the strength to do another set.
Numerous studies show that carrying out a heavy weight approach where you can do ten reps is time consuming and requires a recovery of at least three minutes. If you do six repetitions, the rest should last about five minutes. And when you focus with a lighter weight, the rest should not exceed ninety seconds.
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